How does the shipping process work?
After the order is placed and confirmed, your order is packed very carefully and it is handed over to our delivery partner. They’ll reach you within three days’ time by using the location and contact information provided by you.
How much will the shipping cost?
The standard shipping price differs from the shipping address provided by you the minimum shipping cost inside ring road is Rs. 60 and outside ring road is Rs. 80. Although this price is just average and the shipping cost might defer from the shipping address.
How long does it take to ship a product?
The standard delivery time is 3 days, but this time might defer if your shipping address is not reachable within 3 days due to certain unpredictable crises or problems. But you’ll be continuously updated about the shipping process.
Can I change my shipping address after the order is placed?
Sadly mountemart does not accept a change of shipping address after the order is placed however you can cancel your order while it is in the “Processing” status and place a new order if your shipping address is inputted mistakenly.
But you can put your shipping details before the ordering process to avoid mistake.